
Fatal Collision at L.A. Airport

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As if it weren’t tragic enough that at least 34 people died Feb. 1 on the runway at Los Angeles International Airport in a collision between two aircraft, we now are faced with the realization that the accident didn’t have to happen at all (“2 Radar Systems Faulty in Collision on Runway,” Feb. 5).

The Times has reported what many of us had begun to suspect, that it wasn’t just human error that caused the accident, rather equipment at the terminal wasn’t functioning and had been malfunctioning for quite some time because “inadequate, antiquated radar systems currently at the airport are symptomatic of a nationwide problem--the inability of the FAA to spend more than $10 billion already collected and set aside for modernization of the nation’s air traffic control system.”

The Times further reported that the pool of funds in the Aviation Trust Fund, “amassed largely from taxes on airline tickets” (paid for by air travelers), is being tied up in Washington to help offset the record federal budget deficit!


What is more important to you? I know what’s important to me and in this regard and it’s not the federal deficit.

As a passenger on flights in and out of Los Angeles, I am appalled at the lack of concern our government shows for the welfare of the residents of this city and those who come to visit it. As the wife of an airline crew member who must rely on the integrity of the air traffic control system every time he goes to work, I am outraged at our government’s callous disregard for the life of my husband and the people for whose safety he potentially risks his life every time he flies into or out of LAX.


