
Professor Critical of El Camino Cuts

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Speaking individually, your article of Feb. 10, 1991, titled “El Camino May Cut Its Summer Schedule to Fit Tighter Budget,” contains an unwarranted rosy picture of the summer classroom schedule cuts taking place at El Camino College. I have taught full time and most summers at El Camino since 1980 and know the system which I address.

When Professor Lance Widman, president of the faculty union, stated that the “instructional program loses some of its integrity . . . “ he is correct. Your readers should know that it is untrue that the classes to be dropped are not in high demand. Instead, cuts are being made with the deftness of a meat cleaver wielded wildly and without faculty input.

El Camino College would like for the public to believe programs will not be substantially hurt, as good public relations. It is blatantly untrue. Administrators will continue to receive fat employment checks during the summer, with few faculty and students to manage. Cuts should come from the administrators’ salaries, as well, and not be borne solely on the backs of faculty. If the college programs are cut in half, does it make sense to continue with the same number of administrators? El Camino College is heavy with administration anyway.


In the Business Division, as a small example, 100% of the Management and Office Administration classes were cut without consultation or input from the faculty in those departments. For example, students expecting to take a summer course in Introduction to Business or Small Business Management, both of which would easily fill to capacity, will be disappointed. These courses and many others will not be offered. Thus, despite the college administrators’ assertions, students will be affected greatly and harmfully. The impact on students will be very severe, as many will be forced to lengthen the terms of their college education. As usual, faculty were not consulted as part of the drastic cuts.


professor of business


El Camino College
