
Spying Spies: Donald Trump’s past-due bills may...

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Spying Spies: Donald Trump’s past-due bills may include one to his private detectives: They are suing him. Trump hired a Houston-based private-investigation firm last year to keep an eye on the famed private eye Clyde Wilson. Why? Because Wilson had been hired by Trump’s estranged wife, Ivana Trump, to watch Donald. Got it? Trump’s gumshoes were stuck for $5,394.90.

Big Apple Bash: Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, out of the spotlight, took his show on the road with a big weekend in New York. Barry took in the Broadway show “Once on This Island” and sat ringside at the Sugar Ray Leonard-Terry Norris fight at Madison Square Garden, giving the audience the thumbs-up sign.

Next Time, TV: Maryland Gov. William D. Schaefer surely did not suspect that his offer to have lunch with a successful bidder on a radio auction would include prison. But Douglas Scott Arey, 42, serving a life sentence in Jessup, Md., for a homicide, made the winning bid to aid a Baltimore theater group. Arey, who charged the $1,750 bid to his credit card, said: “I’m not sure he’d be pleased with the cuisine.”


Not on the Menu: Nuns running soup kitchens in Marseille, France, were doling out Russian caviar this week after police impounded 33 pounds of the delicacy from Soviet sailors, who were caught selling the contraband from makeshift stalls near their ship. Members of the Little Sisters of the Poor looked down their noses and said they would have preferred chicken.
