
Culver City : Anti-Graffiti Law Studied

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The City Council is considering penalizing property owners who don’t clean up graffiti and refuse to let the city clean it up for them.

A proposed ordinance would make it a public nuisance and a misdemeanor to “maintain graffiti,” with a maximum fine of $1,000 and a jail term of six months.

“We’re all tired of graffiti in our city,” Councilman Jim Boulgarides said at the council meeting Monday.


The city expects to spend about $200,000 this fiscal year for graffiti clean-up, said Dale Jones, chief administrative officer. The city removes or paints over graffiti on public property. City workers also will, at city expense, clean up graffiti on private property if the owner consents. But some owners have refused to let city workers onto their property to remove the graffiti, according to a staff report.

The proposed ordinance is to be discussed further at the Feb. 25 council meeting.
