
Wilson Names Lawyer to Conservation Post

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Gov. Pete Wilson on Thursday nominated Ed Heidig, a Westlake Village lawyer, to be director of the Department of Conservation, an agency responsible for protecting state resources.

Wilson said the 38-year-old Heidig will bring to his new position “a strong conservationist record.” Most recently, Heidig served as a legislative assistant on environmental and energy issues in Wilson’s U.S. Senate office in Washington.

In 1988 and 1989, Heidig was chief administrative assistant to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Previously, he was a land-use consultant with the Sage Institute in Westlake Village.


The Department of Conservation has about 500 employees and, among other things, oversees the state’s beverage container recycling program, regulates oil and gas production and promotes conservation of agricultural lands.

Heidig’s appointment to the $88,056-a-year post is subject to confirmation by the state Senate.
