
A Challenge to the Agendas of Troop-Tribute Organizers

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Re Chuck Philips’ “Voices That Care” (Feb. 6), about the musical tribute to the armed forces in the Persian Gulf organized by David Foster and Linda Thompson Jenner:

Philips writes that participants were asked to “check their political agendas at the door.” Don’t Foster and Jenner realize that by organizing the recording session they are declaring their political agendas?

Jenner is quoted as saying that they simply want to show their gratitude to those “laying their lives on the line for our freedom.” She does not explain how the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait threatens our freedom. Similarly, Foster eschews “causes” and claims he is only expressing his concern for “living, breathing individuals.”

The only way to ensure that they keep on living and breathing is to bring them home--now! And the only person who can do that is George Bush. If Foster and Jenner are really interested in the welfare of the Americans in the Persian Gulf, I suggest they organize a recording session calling for immediate American withdrawal.



