
DANA POINT : Battle Over Plans for House Ends Amiably

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Future neighbors Addison DeBoi and Habib Oscoff shook hands this week, ending their long and costly battle over the plans for Oscoff’s bluff-top estate.

DeBoi’s attempt to stop the construction of Oscoff’s house in the Capistrano Palisades failed Tuesday night when the City Council voted 3-2 to allow Oscoff to proceed with his project. He plans to build an 8,137-square-foot house on Camino Capistrano at the edge of the bluff, despite DeBoi’s claims that it would be too close to the edge of the bluff and that the property is unstable.

The council’s ruling upheld an earlier Planning Commission vote in favor of Oscoff.

Council members Judy Curreri, Eileen Krause and Mayor Bill Bamattre voted for the project, with council members Mike Eggers and Karen Lloreda voting against it.


Oscoff expressed relief at winning approval after spending nearly two years trying to satisfy the city staff. The city had forced him to change plans twice so that the house would be farther from the cliff, Oscoff said.

“We spent an appreciable amount of money, I mean big money, on this,” Oscoff said. “But it feels good to win. I think in the long run this proves that the system works, that it is fair.”

The two neighbors plan to put the battle behind them, Oscoff said. “We talked after the council meeting and he congratulated me,” Oscoff said. “It is our intention to live happily as neighbors.”
