
Weekend Drops Barely Qualify as a Rainfall

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A few drops of moisture fell from the sky over the weekend, but San Diego forecasters were hard pressed to call it rainfall.

A short-lived low pressure trough hovered over San Diego just long enough to keep weekend skies gloomy and “just give us a few drops,” said Richard Stitt, forecaster for the National Weather Service in San Diego.

Among the 32 weather stations countywide, only 11 reported measurable rainfall. Twenty-one reported no rain or only a trace.


San Diego received .03 inches; Julian .05; National City .02; and Palomar .10. Chula Vista, Escondido, La Mesa received none, while Del Mar and El Cajon reported traces.

The scattering of rain brought the season total, which runs from July 1 to June 30, to 2.34 inches, well short of the 6.09-inch norm for this time of year.

A high pressure building over the Pacific will bring a clearing trend this week and a gusty Santa Ana condition will also begin developing today and Tuesday, Stitt said.


The county can expect sunny and warmer days through Thursday and clear, cool nights.

At the beaches, temperatures today will range from 60 to 65 with breezes up to 20 m.p.h. and a surf of 4 to 6 feet.

In the coastal areas and inland valleys, daytime temperatures will range from 65 to 70 with gusts to 20 m.p.h.

Coastal lows will dip to 40 to 50 degrees, and 35 to 45 in the valleys.
