
Pacific Symphony music director Carl St. Clair,...

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Pacific Symphony music director Carl St. Clair, meeting a condition that was set when he accepted the job last February, has resigned one of his two other music directorships, with the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra of Ithaca, N.Y. St. Clair said Tuesday that he will conduct two concerts with the Cayuga orchestra next season but “after that, my relationship (with the orchestra) is undefined.” He will continue as director of the Ann Arbor (Mich.) Symphony, but with a reduced workload, conducting three of 10 concerts during the 1991-92 season, he said. “Basically,” he said, “I’m trying to free myself to spend more time in Orange County, beginning next season.” St. Clair has been affiliated with Ann Arbor since 1985 and with the Cayuga since 1986.
