
Access to Papers at Reagan Library

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I am not amazed or surprised to learn that former President Reagan will restrict the public’s access to his library and the review of presidential papers. By executive order Reagan has effectively eliminated any meaningful access the public has to review his presidency. What Reagan fears most of all is that we will see how presidential decisions were made and who was making them. Wouldn’t we all be surprised to learn that Reagan didn’t make any decisions at all?

What Reagan (and for that matter his Republican predecessor) has attempted to do by limiting access to the library is manipulate public opinion and to preserve his image in American history. One only has to look at the homeless on our streets, the decay of our urban infrastructure, the quality of education in our schools, the plight of our environment and grasp the devastating effects of an insurmountable deficit to know what Reagan was really doing while in office. Let these events speak as his record and signify his accomplishments as President.

Information is a key to understanding. Clearly, the library is an attempt to control information on decisions made by Reagan and thus limit the public’s understanding and perception of his presidency.



