
Sun Valley Veterinarian Gets Support at Hearing

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Supporters of a Sun Valley veterinarian accused of malpractice crowded the hall outside a closed state courtroom Friday where the man was facing the threat of having his license revoked.

George Shaw, 60, was charged last year by the state attorney general’s office with misdiagnosis, improper treatment and prescription of the wrong drugs in cases involving several animals brought to his office.

The state is seeking to suspend or revoke his license.

“I have known him to solve problems that other vets don’t want to spend their time on,” said Karen Dolin, a Sun Valley resident with numerous horses, dogs, a cat and a snake.


Deputy Atty. Gen. Stephen S. Handin said Friday’s hearing, which was closed to the public, was largely spent sorting out which evidence and witnesses would be brought to the full hearing, scheduled July 22.

Shaw has denied the charges and told his supporters Friday that the charges had resulted from misunderstandings and misinformation.
