
And Another Isn’t Pleased With McGee

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As an alumnus of USC, I am constantly shocked and amazed by the mismanagement and lack of leadership of Mike McGee. The current scandal of student-athletes cheating on their drug tests only adds to the list of problems that consistently engage the athletic department.

How many contracts has the university had to eat because McGee wanted to change a coach? How many employees have complained of the morale problem within the department? Isn’t it unbelievable that the very mess McGee is in now not only involves the drug-testing scandal, but also a lawsuit against McGee and the university for racial discrimination by Marvin Cobb, the administrator of the program.

The only problem here is McGee, and the simple solution is to buy out his contract and ship him off to the University of Old Fat Unsuccessful Football Coaches. USC should have more moral integrity then to keep him around.



