
May It Wave From Antenna

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Your newspaper always gives me the opportunity to read about other people’s opinions, and even though they may differ from my own, I can respect their point of view. However, I was unusually angered by the Feb. 15 Newswatch item, “Banner Up.”

Apparently, there are some people who are offended at seeing the American flag flying from such “undignified” places as the “antenna of a pickup truck.”

I understand and respect flag etiquette as much as the next guy, but may I remind these people that the American flag, most especially at this time, is appropriate and beautiful flying from anything, anywhere, and we will fly our flag from our cars, in our front yards, or wherever else we can find to put them because we are proud.


It is with great respect that I have a flag waving from the antenna of my car; it gives me comfort to see it there and reminds me each time I look at it how much I love this country and how proud and grateful I am for our troops fighting this war for us.

I truly wish they could see all the flags and yellow ribbons flying from our car antennas. I know they would approve.

The Boy Scouts Council official in the article who “shudders to see some of the current wartime displays of flags” should, indeed, “hold her tongue.” Better yet, hold an American flag.


