
Dellums on House Intelligence Panel

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The Thomas article is hawkish, racist and petty. Thomas unjustly questions Dellums’ (an ex-U.S. Marine) loyalty to the U.S. His justification is Dellums’ long history of pro-peace, anti-war policies, his opposition to U.S. intervention the world over, his support by the Black Panthers and his self-proclaimed socialism.

Dellums’ loyalty to his constituents was proven when he fought for the constitutional right and duty of Congress to declare war in the Mideast conflict. The intent of this was to ensure checks and balance in government by preventing dictatorship and abuse of power. Congress has been lax in enforcing this law; it has allowed the Pentagon and the military industrial complex to plunder the U.S. Treasury and engage the U.S. in military “actions” which have killed and maimed millions. Dellums has condemned the monetary waste and asked that it be used for human services instead. He’s had to watch the social and economic genocide of inner-city U.S. blacks and the whipping and killing of blacks in South Africa by white racists. Is it any wonder he is radical? But to call him disloyal is an affront to every principle America stands for. It is a tribute to U.S. Africans that they’re willing to die and fight for a country that’s been so cruel and racist toward them.

The Western world, which has advanced technologically but regressed spiritually, will never understand Dellums’ love of humanity; spiritually, he’s quantum leaps ahead of Thomas and George Bush.



Co-Founder Chicano/Mexicano

Coalition to Stop the War, Los Angeles
