
Molina Meets With New Colleagues Edelman, Hahn

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Los Angeles County Supervisor-Elect Gloria Molina, who will end the decade-long conservative control of the board, paid her first visit to the Hall of Administration since her election last week, meeting privately with liberal Supervisors Ed Edelman and Kenneth Hahn.

Molina, who will be sworn in March 8, said the meetings were intended for her to introduce herself to her new colleagues. Hahn said that he told Molina that he supports her proposals to establish ethics rules for the county. He said they also talked about their joint support for expansion of the board.

Retiring Supervisor Pete Schabarum offered to escort Molina on a tour of her 1st District office on Friday, the city councilwoman said. She will meet privately with Supervisors Mike Antonovich and Deane Dana on Monday.
