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County representatives agreed Monday to ask the Board of Supervisors today to extend until Friday its deadline for state action to save the County Medical Services program, a spokesman for Gov. Pete Wilson said Monday night.

The agreement came after three hours of meetings between county and state representatives, said Bill Livingstone, Wilson’s press secretary.

“Progress has been made in trying to resolve the issues. We identified some other options, and we’d like to have more time,” Livingstone said. He was not specific about what those options are.


The agreement would postpone by at least four days the elimination of the county’s health care program for the uninsured. Supervisors voted last week to give the state until today to provide $16 million, or the program would end March 16.

Attending the meeting for San Diego were Supervisors John MacDonald and Susan Golding, and David E. Janssen, assistant chief administrative officer.

The state was represented by Loren Kaye, the governor’s cabinet secretary; Wilson aide Kim Belshe and a representative of the state Finance Department, Livingstone said.
