
LAGUNA NIGUEL : Lack of Signatures Halts Recall Effort

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A recall campaign aimed at unseating four of the city’s five council members was thwarted Monday when its supporters failed to file the required petition by the 5 p.m. deadline.

The recall supporters were hoping to force a special election to unseat Mayor Patricia C. Bates and council members James F. Krembas, Larry A. Porter and Thomas W. Wilson. They were targeted last November when they refused to either approve or place on the ballot a controversial ridgeline protection ordinance endorsed by more than 4,000 voters.

At that time, the four council members said they had been advised that the ordinance could spur lawsuits that would put the city at financial risk. Councilman Paul M. Christiansen, the only dissenting member, was later hit with a separate recall notice for “malfeasance.”


Eddie Rose, the leader of the failed recall drive, said he “fell about 500 to 600 signatures short” of the necessary 5,000 signatures--20% of the city’s registered voters--needed to force a special election. But he maintained that his cause continues to garner widespread support.

“The grass-roots support was tremendous,” said Rose, an aerospace engineer. “What hurt us was not enough people willing to get involved and circulate petitions.”

Wilson expressed relief that the drive against him and his fellow council members has ended.


“It is a relief because things like this always do have a chance,” Wilson said. “It’s unfortunate the city and council had to experience a recall effort within the first 18 months of our existence, but that’s part of the democratic process.”

Bates also expressed relief, adding that the council has now heard “loud and clear the message from the community on ridgeline protection.”

The failed recall drive does not end the controversy over the proposed ordinance, Wilson said. The council is awaiting a ruling on its constitutionality from the Orange County Superior Court, he said.


Supporters of the separate recall drive against Christiansen have until April 17 to file their petition, said City Clerk Juanita Zarilla.
