
Countywide : ‘Women For’ Plan Write-In Today

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Hoping to persuade Orange County residents that the pen is mightier than the sword, a political action group is holding its sixth annual letter-writing event today at UC Irvine.

More than 400 people attended the event last year, said Bev Toy, publicity chair for Women For: Orange County, a group of women activists.

Among those expected to attend is Dianne Feinstein, former Democratic gubernatorial candidate and San Francisco mayor who plans to run against Republican John Seymour, the Orange County lawmaker appointed by Gov. Pete Wilson to fill out Wilson’s unexpired U.S. Senate term.


Those who attend the nonpartisan event will have a chance to browse through materials on a variety of issues and talk to representatives of more than 30 groups, ranging from Planned Parenthood to the Gray Panthers. Topics will range from reapportionment to environmental issues.

“Each person picks out topics and issues that are of greatest importance to them, and they sit down and write about them,” Toy said.

The Great American Write-In was created by Women For because many people feel uncomfortable about writing to elected officials because they’re not sure who to write or what to say, Toy said.


“We know that for every letter an elected official receives, they weigh that as between 200 and 300 voters staring them in the eyebrows,” Toy said.

The write-in will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the UC Irvine University Club. Free parking and refreshments will be provided. Paper, envelopes, pens and stamps will be supplied. A supervised play table for children also will be available.
