
VENTURA : Police Department Employees Honored

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Ventura police officers, department employees and civilians were honored Wednesday for their contributions to the agency.

Cpl. David A. Williams was named officer of the year for his work, especially in setting up new training methods for police academy graduates, authorities said. For instance, Williams set up a driving course for new officers.

Julie Brandt, a police services officer, was named support employee of the year for her work in revitalizing the city’s Neighborhood Watch program. She also was lauded for her presentations to community groups on crime prevention issues and her willingness to help others.


Officer Ross Nideffer was recognized for giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to an unconscious 24-year-old after he was hailed by a citizen at Barranca Vista Park on Jan. 18 and told of a person choking.

Lt. Arthur (A.J.) Farrar received a certificate of excellence for helping develop a formal recognition awards program for department employees.

Senior Communications Operator Linda Carralejo was lauded for her effort in developing a manual and other materials to help train dispatchers. And Larry Meister of R.E. Barber Ford was honored for his support of the police department. Meister has helped support the department’s monthly employee recognition program.
