
Into the Drink: Gonzo journalist Hunter S....

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Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Into the Drink: Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson is a special event. So said the Durango, Colo., Liquor Authority, which handed Thompson a special-events liquor license so he could sip his customary Chivas Regal Scotch while he speaks in town April 4 at Fort Lewis College. The satirical writer includes in his speaking contract the right to drink on stage. His latest book is titled “Songs of the Doomed.”

Different Exchange: Amorous Tokyo stockbrokers may find themselves in a slump next month when Japan’s main stock exchange introduces longer work hours. The Tokyo Stock Exchange now opens at 9 a.m., closes for lunch at 11 a.m., reopens two luxurious hours later at 1 p.m., and finishes the day at 3 p.m. So some brokers dash off to a nearby “love” hotel for midday trysts. The new rules exchange work for play by biting 30 minutes off of the end of the midday break.

Bush Whacked: George Bush praised U.S. press coverage of the Persian Gulf War on Tuesday even as he tweaked reporters. At a Washington dinner, Bush said that the press kept its eyes and ears open during the war but that he was tempted to take troops all the way to Baghdad to “take out the man who caused so much grief and anger. And I said, no, let CNN take Peter Arnett out.”


What a Sight: Passengers on a Chinese airliner survived a hair-raising flight earlier this week when their plane chased a UFO for nine minutes, a local newspaper reported. The object, which was larger than the aircraft, flew above a Shanghai airport before it turned suddenly, rushed toward the plane and disappeared above it, the paper said.
