
April Glaspie’s Testimony

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Glaspie’s testimony was a replay of the evasive responses given during the Watergate hearings. She left me convinced that the Administration wanted war to save the defense budget and to guarantee the President’s reelection. But if I wanted to get reelected as desperately as George Bush does, I, too, would have begun my popularity campaign well in advance.

First, I would vacation while a hostile international incident matured. I would then develop that incident into a winnable war. After I won the war, I would be assured millions of votes from Americans who would see me as a man of international action.

Secondly, I would let the economy rot by ignoring an obvious, war-related recession. After several brutal months I would grudgingly acknowledge the recession, but blame the Democratic Congress for criticizing my economic recommendations that mostly benefited the rich.


Lastly, I would make sure no Democrat had the guts to expose my reelection scheme, despite the international and domestic pain and suffering I caused. I would encourage my cronies in the House and Senate to keep the Democrats busy defending themselves against irrelevant or anti-patriotic accusations.

PHILL COLEMAN, Redondo Beach
