
Chief Gates

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The volatility and community stresses that are part of the aftermath of the Rodney King incident place a responsibility on The Times to be particularly accurate in its reporting related to the calls for the resignation of Daryl Gates. For that reason, it is important to correct an incorrect innuendo. The Times characterized Gates’ appearance at the Public Relations Society of America-Los Angeles chapter as a speech to “a friendly crowd” (March 23).

The public relations practitioners in attendance were neither “friendly” nor otherwise to Gates. His presentation was followed by tough questions regarding his performance and that of his department.

In the following paragraph, a member of the Police Commission accuses Gates of orchestrating his appearances as if he were carrying out a political campaign. To imply that his speech to us was part of a “campaign” is inaccurate. As I informed your reporter, we invited Gates to address us on Jan. 8, and he replied positively one week later.


MARTIN M. COOPER, President, Public Relations Society, Los Angeles Chapter
