
PLATFORM : A Heroic Image

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<i> Detective STAN NELSON</i> , <i> a 29-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department, commented on the dangers of police work and his support for Chief Daryl Gates. He told The Times:</i>

Daryl Gates has done far more with affirmative-action appointments than any prior chief. Gates has done more for the community than any prior chief. Gates has responded ultimately to the needs of criminal enforcement of the community, which has been plagued with crime in every part of the city--always with equal representation no matter the class or the culture.

Gates has exuded a heroic image with the youth with his far-reaching projection of the DARE (drug abuse resistance education) program.

The situation on the streets is more and more volatile, and we do confront persons who are armed and combative. As a rule, there are more cooperative arrestees than combative ones. However, more are becoming combative and the weapons they use more sophisticated. We are experiencing more officers hurt and shot. The training for these situations is very adequate. If we have an individual to deal with who is completely combative, we use electronic Taser guns or a swarm method, which is several officers putting their weight on the arrestee.


These techniques are used to minimize the injury to officers and arrestees. However, the time factor is a big element. Some incidents occur within seconds and you’re forced to use the manpower and the tools at hand, which are usually a Taser gun and a firearm.
