
STAGE REVIEWS : Sentimental Journey on ‘Charing Cross Road’ : Newport Theatre Arts Center Production Celebrates Love Without Resorting to Mawkishness

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The stage adaptation of “84 Charing Cross Road,” like Helene Hanff’s autobiographical book on which it is based, celebrates literature and sentiment. This story of an eccentric New York writer and her correspondence with a London bookstore clerk is all about the love of books and the love between people.

Director William Waxman keeps good faith with James Rooss-Evans’ play at the Newport Theatre Arts Center. It is a very sentimental production, but not a mawkish one, managing to honor the beauty of good writing and good friends that is central to “84 Charing Cross Road.”

It begins with Helene (Nancy Jane Smeets) despairing loudly because she’s unable to find the books she wants in her native Manhattan. She writes to Marks and Co., an old shop on Charing Cross Road, asking for help.


Frank Doel (Lee Clark) answers her, starting a relationship that spans several years, from the hardship days of British postwar to the coming of the Beatles. Through their letters--witty, anecdotal and personal expressions--they become close; it’s an intimacy that borders on romance.

The story can be very charming because Helene and Frank, in their different ways, can be charming.

He’s a picture of proper British reserve, even embarrassed by the most innocent flirtations that his young assistants (Marilyn Barth and Kim Biehl) inflict on him. But he’s solid and good, characteristics that Clark has no trouble evoking.


Helene is also solid and good, but she’s the furthest thing from reserved. She complains easily but also praises easily, and it’s all from the heart. Helene may have the style of a bag lady (she wears the frumpiest clothes and drinks gin lustily), but she has the soul of a poet.

Smeets’ portrayal takes a little getting used to, but give her a moment. The abrasive New Yawk accent and manner settle in pretty quickly, and Smeets comes through with a nervy and effective performance.


A Newport Theatre Arts Center production of James Rooss-Evans’ play adaptation. Directed by William Waxman. With Nancy Jane Smeets, Lee Clark, Marilyn Barth, Kim Biehl, Lynne Tavernetti, Gregory Alan Harris and Providence Olson. Set by Todd Faux. Lighting by Larry Davis. Costumes by Lia Hansen. Sound and music by Matt Nelson and Larry Blake. Plays Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. through April 28 at 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Tickets: $12. (714) 631-0288.
