
Wilson Questioned on Jordan Ranch

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Having followed the Jordan Ranch drama for the past three years, I find it quite amusing to see the latest character to enter the scene, Gov. Pete Wilson, mouthing arguments that other proponents abandoned years ago. I refer in particular to the one that goes “if we don’t allow this development to go ahead, a far worse one might happen in the future.”

What pathetic poppycock! If Bob Hope, the Professional Golfers Assn., the Washington-based and well-connected Potomac Investment Associates, the director of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan and Pete Wilson himself can’t get their way with Jordan Ranch, then what ordinary mortal developer would even bother to try in the future?

Furthermore, the pressure to acquire and protect the remaining open spaces will increase--not decrease. As we have seen over the past decade, those who fled the traffic, overcrowding, street crime and air pollution of the San Fernando Valley recognize only too well that overdevelopment will bring with it features from which they so recently escaped. They become on arrival, justifiably or not, slow-growthers and ardent supporters of the preservation of open space.


I hope Gov. Wilson before too long visits this area to listen to the reasonable concerns of the people and gets better informed on this matter before he does himself much more harm.


Oak Park
