
He Won’t ‘Get Down in Mud,’ But Hodge Responds to Critic

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Former South Pasadena City Council member Bob Wagner stated that I was more concerned over my public image than the welfare of the city by never putting “my neck on the line” (with a 3-2 vote) when matters of the community are at hand (in this case, a decision to release our city manager) (Times, March 21).

If Bob thought for a moment, he would realize that, even according to his own statements, the council’s recent decision was a 3-2 vote; and as for hating to put my neck on the line, I obviously chose not to worry about it or I wouldn’t have had to suffer through Mr. Wagner’s inaccurate and unfair letter.

Rather than get down in the mud, and because I’m apparently so protective of my public image, I will simply respond by reminding Mr. Wagner that during his last two years on the council (my first two), critical votes frequently went 4-1 with Bob on the short end of the tally.


It appears that Mr. Wagner has interpreted my failure to side with him on key issues as a lack of political courage. I choose instead to call it a demonstration of sound judgment. Since Bob’s departure and eventual failure to be reelected, I have often been categorized as a “swing vote” on a variety of crucial items facing the council.

To no one’s amazement, Bob has been seeking (City Manager John) Bernardi’s removal from office from the time he discovered that John would act according to the majority wishes of the council. (I believe that is what a city manager is supposed to do!)

Finally, I think it is fair to say of human nature that first a man gets the money, then he wants the power. Bob Wagner has not really had the power, and it irks him. I’m reminded of the infamous Mr. Potter, a character from the holiday movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and I can’t help but wonder, if things had been different, would South Pasadena have eventually been renamed “Wagnerville?” (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself, but I understand a little mud is good for the complexion!)


By the way, the council member or members responsible for feeding Mr. Wagner the details of a closed session should either consider stepping down or conducting themselves with more professionalism in the future.


Council member

South Pasadena
