
Recall Deserved

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I am amazed at your recent editorial endorsing a no on the recall of Councilwoman Linda Bernhardt (“The Recall Process on Trial,” March 31). Your evaluation of her performance indicates that she has not maintained the integrity of the office, willfully misled the people and put her interests and the interests of certain special interest groups ahead of that of her constituents. These fact justify her recall.

The concept that recall should be a measure of last resort is the reason our politicians can get away with making false or misleading promises, yielding to the influence of political action committees, and taking care of themselves before their constituents. District-only elections were supposed to tilt the political process back in favor of the people by increasing their voice and making City Council more responsive to their constituents. However, this process will only work if the people stand up and demand that their elected officials keep their pledges and listen to and represent them. That is what this recall effort is all about. To “save” the recall process for “heinous” acts as some recommend just perpetuates the callous and self-serving political process we have to day.

District-only elections were supposed to “empower the neighborhoods.” Well, with power comes responsibility, and the people must take responsibility for their elected officials. If the elected official does not represent the interests of the people and uphold the integrity of the office, they should be removed.


Only by exercising this responsibility will the people have accepted this responsibility. Bernhardt, by her actions, has earned her recall. Let’s hope the rest of our City Council learns from this that we the people will hold them responsible, and that we will exercise our democratic rights.

GUS ZEINE, San Diego
