
Watchdogs Watch Measure M Funds

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Re “New Half-Cent Sales Tax Chafes O.C. Shoppers” (April 2): It was unfortunate the two staff writers involved in this article did not remind the citizens interviewed that this tax, unlike any previous tax, has a built-in watchdog--the Citizens Oversight Committee.

The authors of the Measure M initiative had the foresight to include the provision for this oversight committee, and the Grand Jurors Assn’s. Selection Panel worked diligently to select representative citizens for membership on it.

The Citizens Oversight Committee has met regularly since January and will continue to review and oversee Measure M funds for the life of the tax.


Citizens who are worried about “what the government is going to do with your money” should be reminded that this citizens committee is in place to review that very subject.

GINGER REED, Chair, Citizens Oversight Committee Selection Panel
