
Some Thoughts, Suggestions on Teaching How Earth Was Born

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In regard to the article “Parents Protest Reprimand of Teacher Over Creationism” (April 2): As a student at Capistrano Valley High School, I am aware of what Mr. Peloza is teaching, more aware than “Citizens for Excellence in Education.”

Mr. Peloza calls his theory “abrupt appearance,” which is nothing more than a euphemism for creationism. How can he claim to feel guilty teaching evolution due to lack of empirical data? Show me some “empirical data” for abrupt appearance.

There are some other important points that the “Citizens for Excellence in Education” are obviously ignorant on. First, how can there be an “anti-Christian bias” when a majority of CVHS students and their parents are Christian? Second, science is not about showing both sides; it is about teaching science, not religious theory.


Third, scientific curriculum is not determined by public opinion. Fourth, how can they claim to want all sides taught when more than 8,000 other religious “theories” are excluded?

This article and others I have read have led me to believe they are not interested in “excellence in education.” Rather, they appear to be more interested in silencing any view they don’t agree with.

CHRIS CHART, Class of 1991, Capistrano Valley High
