
Hardeman Decries Councilman Reference

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I read your recent article (Times, March 27), concerning the unfortunate occurrence in which Mr. Dennis Tate was wounded, with a great deal of distress.

In addition to my concern for the well-being of Mr. Tate, which I assure you is deep-rooted, I cannot help but be sensitive for the people of Inglewood.

Your inclusion of the word councilman in the headline of your article reporting a use-of-force incident is either poor journalism or a blatant disregard for the reputation of the 110,000 residents of the city of Inglewood.


This incident took place at 2 a.m. within my shift as a Los Angeles police officer. It had nothing to do with the citizens of Inglewood, who, as you may well be aware, are already working hard to correct some of the negative images placed upon them by less-than-sensitive media.

To take an inadvertent tragedy, such as this one, deeply regretted by all concerned, and use it to malign by association is unconscionable. Yes, I am a councilman. I am also a father, a Christian and a Democrat, if there is a need for titles other than police officer.

A “councilman” did not wound Mr. Tate that night, a police officer did, and that police officer was not acting in any capacity for the people of the city of Inglewood. I think the city deserves an apology.


