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A Selection of Surfer Slang barney-- n . geek of the ‘90s. SYN. kook. bogus-- adj. no waves. SYN. flat . brah-- n . cool chick; feminine form of bro. corduroy to sunset-- n . rideable waves lined up to the horizon. dawn patrol-- v. to be in the water by sunup. (Let’s dawn patrol tomorrow.) get rigged-- v . to have sex. get tubed-- v. to be pulled into the curl of the wave. SYN. barreled , stuffed. (She got tubed and got the washing-machine treatment.) girth-- adj . used to describe a thick, hollow wave. gnarly-- adj. used to describe a big wave. grind-- v . to eat. (Let’s go grind. ) grommetts-- n. young surfers, pre-teens. (Only grommetts say gnarly.) gut slider-- n . a Boogie boarder. (Check out the gut-sliding barney.) killer-- adj . very good-looking. (She’s a killer babe.) pearl-- v. to wipe out. SYN. get worked , get the washing-machine treatment. pouch grovel-- v . to cocoon; to stay home with your brah even when the waves are good. quiver-- n. a surfboard. SYN. stick. rip-- v . to aggressively ride a wave. SYN. shred , tear.
