
TOUGH TIMES: Salespeople are pretty much forced...

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TOUGH TIMES: Salespeople are pretty much forced to be upbeat and optimistic, so they can be expected to think things will improve at work, above. But in the past six months, their cheery outlooks have taken a beating. . . . The Times Orange County poll (D1) found that two-thirds of the salespeople and clerks had noticed tighter controls on spending, including business travel and lunches. . . . More than half were also aware of layoffs and hiring freezes.

Different Views

Six months from now, do you think financial conditions at your workplace will be better, worse, or the same as today?Clerical and sales workers:

Better: 67%

Worse: 3%

Same as today: 24%

Don’t know: 6%

Blue-collar workers

Better: 44%

Worse: 9%

Same as today: 42%

Don’t know: 5%

Source: Times Orange County Poll
