
Administration’s Energy Policy

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On the average, each of us consumes more than twice the amount of oil than the citizens of any other nation. The money we pay for this could be used to revitalize our educational system and fund vitally needed research programs that are necessary to return America to a position of economic and technological preeminence.

I believe Americans have an intuitive understanding of our oil consumption problem. I believe we are prepared to stand up to it and do something about it, because we know we live on borrowed time, we don’t want more of our environment despoiled and, above all, because as a basically decent people, we want to be good citizens on this spaceship Earth.

The current Administration, unfortunately, does not see it that way. The recently unveiled energy strategy will generate more profits for the oil and nuclear industries. Energy conservation is assigned only a token role.


The President has an opportunity to leverage his unprecedented popularity into a call for action that leads this nation forward on energy and other issues. How he handles this opportunity will determine whether history views him as a truly great President and visionary leader, or as merely a clever but shortsighted politician.


Manhattan Beach
