
Burmese ‘Expert’ Is Part of the Problem

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The interview with “two experts” about economic sanctions against the Southeast Asian nation formerly known as Burma was appreciated. “Myanmar: What Should U.S. Do?” (March 11).

But, while we agree that Prof. David Steinberg is an expert and scholar on Burmese affairs, Soe Win, the first secretary of the embassy of the Union of Myanmar should not be called an “expert” as he is merely a mouthpiece of the military dictatorship that is illegally ruling Burma with the power of their guns.

He is an agent of the butchers who murdered thousands of innocent people two years ago for demanding democracy and human rights, suppressed popularly elected representatives and ruthlessly eliminated all forms of dissent.


How dare Soe Win ask for international economic assistance when at the same time he is telling the international community to refrain from interfering or exerting pressure on Burma.

He must be joking that Burma has no political prisoners and calling those who point out the repressive measures taken by the military regime “insurgents.” The United Nations Human Rights Commission has condemned Burma for failing to transfer power to the elected people and also for failing to release all political prisoners. Is this U.N. body an insurgent group?

In our report to the U.S. State Department about what is going on in Burma we noted: “The regime’s crackdown on dissent has been pervasive and ruthless. Torture, beatings, and mistreatment of political prisoners are frequent and in some instances have resulted in death. Sleep deprivation, beatings resulting in severe eye and ear injuries, electric shocks to the genitals and other reprehensible torture tactics appear to be routine methods for questioning.”


Democratization is the fundamental solution to the human rights problem in Burma. The military dictators cannot gain the people’s trust and respect with martial laws, intimidation and imprisonment. Democracy and human rights will prevail.


The writer is general secretary of the Long Beach-based Federation for Human Rights & Democracy in Burma.
