
‘One-Sided,’ Mission Viejo Mayor Says of Story

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* Having just read “Former Foe of Builders Now Gets Their money,” I question why the article was written. It was one of the most biased articles I have read. There is nothing substantial, just innuendoes. Are the attacks against Bob Curtis starting up again?

The article’s main theme is that Mayor Curtis has changed his voting pattern because campaign contributions have influenced him to do so.

The fact of the matter is that it takes a substantial amount of money to get elected to any office. I think it is a mature individual and astute politician who can convince a former “enemy” to contribute to his campaign. Contributions, as long as they are legal, are welcomed by any political candidate. It doesn’t necessarily follow that one is obligated to repay, by political favor, a contributor.


Slow growth is a moot point in Mission Viejo. According to the general plan, the city is almost totally built out. Incidentally, when Bob Curtis negotiated with the company for substantial acreage to build on, he also got a reduction in the number of homes to be built in the Niciente Ridge area. Consistent with a slow-growth advocate, I’d say.


Mission Viejo
