
Cooler Heads Need to Prevail

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Where’s the air conditioning?

Your articles speak of changes in the Los Angeles school system, going year-round, the effect it’s having on the new enrollees of this system. But not a mention of air conditioning. Is this such a minor point? You speak only of our children’s camping and vacations being interrupted.

This shortsightedness angers the thousands of us who have only two things on our minds: the health and well-being of our children. Have we all forgotten, because it’s only April, that when July and August appear, the San Fernando Valley fries under the sun? And that on any given day it is 8 to 15 degrees hotter in the Valley than in Los Angeles? Has anyone on the Board of Education or City Council taught a classroom of 35 children in 102-degree heat?

What are those legislators thinking about? And who chose July and August as months to begin this new system?


Woodland Hills
