
PLATFORM : The Way to Peace

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<i> BARBARA ZHEUTLIN</i> ,<i> director of the Peace Center at the United University Church and co-author of "Creative Differences: Profiles of Hollywood Dissidents," commented on the prospects for peace. She told The Times:</i>

If presidents and generals are the ones who make decisions and act, and the people are left to simply follow orders, hope and pray, we are in trouble.

If we want a peaceful world there are actions we can and must take. For the President to urge people to hope for peace while he continues to intensify the arms race, refuses to stop testing nuclear weapons, continues to support the production of chemical and biological weapons, and pushes for Germany and Japan to change their constitutions so that they can develop their military power is cynical and misleading.

If this is to be the “last war” and the beginning of the “new world order,” then we must stop our arms buildup and our arms sales, and we must start teaching each other, our children, our leaders and our enemies how to use negotiations and conflict resolution to settle disputes. We would not need to hope for peace if we took these decisive steps toward disarmament. We would be creating peace.
