
NEWPORT BEACH : Ordinance Promotes Car Pools, Bicycling

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Developers may be required to install lockers and shower stalls for bicyclists and provide preferential parking for car-poolers under an ordinance being considered by the City Council.

Under the proposed ordinance, the council would prohibit the Planning Commission from approving any new commercial development with 100 or more employees that does not include facilities for workers who choose not to ride to work alone.

The ordinance, just one element of a larger plan to reduce smog and congestion in coastal cities, must be adopted by the end of April or the city will face the loss of $1 million in state gasoline tax revenues.


The council gave the ordinance preliminary approval last month, but on second reading Councilman Clarence J. Turner suggested revisions in the wording to allow developers more flexibility, delaying final adoption until April 22.

“I don’t think some of these things are going to help one iota,” Turner said. Instead of forcing developers to purchase bicycle lockers and shower stalls, he suggested that they should “put money where it would provide more results,” such as public transportation.

The ordinance calls for at least 5% of all parking spaces to be set aside for car pools, a central information area where workers can pick up literature on travel alternatives, a car- and van-pool loading area, and bus stop improvements.
