
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Parent-Involvement Policy Is Adopted

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A new policy based on state and federal guidelines was adopted last week by the Fountain Valley School District to encourage more parent involvement in school and districtwide activities.

The board of trustees adopted the policy to comply with an advisory issued last October by the state Department of Education, which asked all districts in the state to adopt programs to get parents more involved in their children’s education.

“Fountain Valley has always had hundreds of volunteers in the classroom,” Supt. Ruben L. Ingram said. “But we adopted the policy to show that we indeed support the state advisory.”


The district also included federally mandated requirements for districts that are receiving federal Chapter I funds, which assist children of low-income families. Adopting a formal parent-involvement policy was necessary to continue receiving Chapter I funds, according to Marc Ecker, administrative assistant to the superintendent.

Under the policy, the district will provide programs to develop parenting skills, train parents in instructional techniques to help their children with homework, and encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom.
