
Coverage of Catholicism

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As I read Tom Bethell’s column (“Catholic Bashing Isn’t Only by Press,” Column Right, April 9) condemning so-called progressive opinion and berating U.S. Catholic bishops for their “weakness” in showing tolerance toward homosexuals and women, I wondered if it would ever be possible for Bethell and me to share the same church.

Bethell expresses remorse over these changes that threaten his sense of the core beliefs of the church. However, bigotry and intolerance of differences have never been part of any core beliefs of the Catholic Church I know. Adopting the position that the church can do no wrong is more repugnant to me than fear of progressive trends.

The church should be ashamed of its 1986 document condemning homosexuals, which is as much an acknowledgement (by itself) of a “progressive trend” as any church document could possibly be. Its cavalier denouncements of all family planning methods have also caused enormous problems for American Catholics, driving many away from the church, dividing families and justifying the contempt of others, both inside and outside the church.


As someone who is proud to be an American, I am often repulsed by the idiotic mandates of the Roman Curia of the church, and its increasingly feeble attempts to control the natural and necessary desires and interests of individuals as they seek equal treatment and fairness within the church. The U.S. Catholic bishops who have moved to make changes can only strengthen the church.


Rancho Palos Verdes
