
The city of Alhambra’s “Water Saver’s Guide”...

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The city of Alhambra’s “Water Saver’s Guide” doesn’t live up to its name in some respects.

Resident Kathy Kennel sent us her copy, which recommends that landscapes be watered “only between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.”

That, of course, is when watering is discouraged in other cities because the wet stuff evaporates more quickly then. (Or, is the implication that Alhambra is a place where the sun never shines?)

The guide also seems to caution against using too little water in some cases.

For “Tub Bath,” the guide says: “Minimal water level. 7 to 9 gallons.”

We phoned the city’s Public Works Department, which fessed up to the watering error. And we were assured that Alhambra would not dispatch the water police if it was discovered that a bather had splashed around in fewer than 7 to 9 gallons.

With the tax deadline a few hours away Monday night, the streets around the downtown Terminal Annex post office were hopelessly jammed with cars.


Street people to the rescue!

Some downtown denizens were seen walking in and out of traffic, tapping on windows and offering to mail the motorists’ tax returns for $2 and up.

We await the IRS’ verdict on whether the carrying charge is deductible.

A T-shirt salesman who calls himself “Mr. C from D.C.” stood near City Hall on Tuesday, ready to satisfy anyone with an opinion about L.A. Police Chief Daryl F. Gates. He was hawking one variety that proclaimed, “Gates Must Go,” and another that said, “Gates Must Stay.”

Mr. C, who is black, admitted that he felt a bit guilty about the pro-Gates shirts.

So much so that he was charging $5 for “Gates Must Go,” but $10 for “Gates Must Stay.”

The Rodney G. King affair, meanwhile, has spurred Walter Thompson of Santa Monica into the bumper-sticker business (see photo).


Earlier, it had inspired two wacky KROQ-FM personalities to mail us a red helmet that says, among other things: “Citizen Anti-Brutality Helmet . . . Warning: I’m Being Videotaped.”

Ironically, an audio tape of the two wacky disc jockeys, Kevin Ryder and Gene (Bean) Baxter, is now being investigated by the Federal Communications Commission.

They’re the duo who are under suspension for admitting that they broadcast a phony on-air murder confession.



Los Angeles County--home of 8,863,164 people--has 5,596,100 licensed motorists.
