
Black Americans Join in Pledge to Help Build Africa

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From Associated Press

Thrusting their fists in black power salutes and shouting “Africa,” several hundred black Americans and a group of African leaders pledged Wednesday to end the economic hardship on the continent.

They are attending a meeting of black American and African leaders organized by the Rev. Leon Sullivan, a U.S. civil rights leader.

He said the conference is intended to help form the sort of emotional bonds between Africa and black Americans that lead Irish- Americans to help Ireland and Jewish-Americans to help Israel.


“Today, after 300 years, (the slave) has come back home and we have come with strength and power to help Mother Africa,” Sullivan told the opening day of the meeting.

Sullivan said Africa can be rebuilt with the help of some of black America’s $300 billion in annual spending power and hundreds of thousands of college graduates.

He said Africa could be a “new frontier” for black Americans who now must drive taxis and work in fast-food restaurants.


About 1,000 people attended the opening session. They included three African prime ministers and representatives of nine other nations, as well as political, educational and business leaders.
