
TODAY AT AFI FESTIVAL : F<i> ollowing are The Times’ recommendations for today’s schedule of the American Film Institute Los Angeles International Film Festival, with commentary by the film reviewing staff. Information: (213) 466-1767. </i>

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<i> Compiled by Michael Wilmington</i>

Highly Recommended:

“NO, OR THE VAIN GLORY OF COMMAND”(Portugal; director Manoel de Oliveira; AFI Warner, 8:45 p.m.). The latest from phenomenal octogenarian De Oliveira, who directed this stately and beautiful pacifist parable at 79. . . . A Portuguese lieutenant cites the foolishness and pomp of wars and colonialism throughout history, as his troops speed toward battle in Angola. The style, magisterial and whimsical, flamboyant and chaste, full of deliberately “stagy” reproductions, has the effortless form and serenity of late Bunuel. (Michael Wilmington)


Others: “Autumn Moon” (Music Hall, 9 p.m.): A Taiwanese domestic infidelity drama of subtle visual beauty, reined-in emotions and sprawling construction. (M.W.)

“Broken Meat”/”The Tightrope Dancer” (Monica 4-Plex, 7 p.m.): Two interesting, well-matched documentaries on artistic eccentrics, male and female: once-homeless urban survivor/poet Alan Granville and delightfully off-center Valley-dweller/painter Vali Myers. (M.W.)


“Juvenile Liaison 2” (AFI Mark Goodson, 7 p.m.): A banned documentary on Lancashire juvenile officers, updated to today, with manipulative but potent footage of urban misery. (M.W.)

Jaruj Jakubisko Tribute: An Evening of Shorts (AFI Mark Goodson, 9 p.m.): Unscreened, the shorter work (1965-77) and a documentary portrait of the great Slovak director, one of AFIFEST 91’s major discoveries. (M.W.)
