
Laguna Author Talks of Family, Gays on ‘Oprah’

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Stephen Arterburn of Laguna Beach, co-author of a book on AIDS, will appear on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” (Channel 7) Tuesday at 3 p.m. . The theme of the show will be “When the Whole Family is Gay.”

At the taping a few weeks ago, Arterburn said Wednesday, the subject matter provoked heated exchanges between those on stage and members of the audience. “It was incredible. The show started with a mother and four lesbian daughters. Right off, this guy in the audience asked if they have sex with each other.”

Arterburn, 37, is the founder of the New Life Treatment Centers, which he describes as Christ-centered psychiatric treatment centers. He co-wrote “How Will I Tell My Mother?” (Thomas Nelson Publishers) with his brother, Jerry, who died of AIDS in 1988. The book is about Jerry growing up as a homosexual in Bryan, Tex. Arterburn says he is not gay.


“What makes the book interesting is the reaction that the church had when they found out (Jerry) had AIDS,” said Arterburn. “This was back when (AIDS patients) were getting their houses burned down in Florida. When the deacons in the church found out Jerry had AIDS they came over to the house and prayed with him and had communion with him and they laid hands on him to be healed.”

“On the show, in the midst of all these people yelling at each other, I came on and said, ‘Look, whether you think homosexuality is right or wrong, you have to love your children.’
