
Long Beach : Planners Tighten Standards for Long Beach Boulevard

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In a move to “ratchet up” the quality of development along Long Beach Boulevard, the Long Beach Planning Commission has set the highest possible development standards to turn the boulevard into an urban corridor of residences, shops and businesses.

The standards are part of a long-range plan to restore the tired boulevard--the Metro Blue Line’s path into the city--to the “grand entrance” it once was, said Ellis (Bud) Crow, advanced planning officer.

The commission action replaces a moratorium on “inappropriate developments” that expires Tuesday, and calls for larger residences, bigger front yards and restricted parking. It also would increase recreation facilities at condominium developments, including court game areas, children’s play lots and picnic spots.


“Our major objective is to assure better quality on the boulevard,” Crow said, acknowledging that some developers may have difficulty complying with such high standards.
