
Thanks to Mobil for Hazardous-Waste Effort

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I would like to congratulate both Mobil Oil Corp. and the citizens of Torrance for last Saturday’s conscientious effort to dispose of hazardous chemicals. Mobil Oil should be thanked for their consideration in receiving and disposing of all the hazardous materials delivered to their refinery. This was a gallant effort on behalf of Mobil recognizing that they are a part of our community. The citizens of Torrance must also be thanked for their dedication in waiting in line to dispose of their hazardous waste chemicals. I was surprised and encouraged that large numbers of Torrance citizens demonstrated this concern to our environment. I hope this might set an example to Torrance’s other corporate neighbors that they too are a part of our aware and caring community. Let’s hope next time years of litigation don’t have to proceed prior to a corporate neighbor recognizing our citizens and community.

