
Rancho P.V. Needs Tax Base to Pay Bills

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After living for 75 years, I have had a chance to observe many confrontations between impractical idealists and folks who know what it takes to pay bills. (Rancho Palos Verdes) stands at the threshold of some very, very important decisions. There seems to be a very vocal minority who want the five-plus miles of coastline left undeveloped. A noble aspiration. But who will pay the bills? Road repairs, parks, trails, etc., etc. We must get back the tax base we had when Marineland was here for the needed revenue, or we will have to come up with the revenue from our own pockets.

It amazes me to see these people walking about with their heads in the clouds. I have yet to see one alternate plan by these idealists that deals with finances. Who will pay the bills? I also notice that these same people have no investment in the land they expect someone else to pay taxes and upkeep on. If they want a piece of private land undeveloped, why don’t they buy it and donate to whatever project they wish?

A revenue-producing tax base must become a reality now. If this opportunity is not implemented now, the self-sufficient city with money in the treasury will be lost forever.


The majority on the City Council seems to be the only group that is trying to make sense out of this insanity. Yet there are constant attacks on these devoted servants. I often wonder why they even try. The latest is this senseless recall of Jacki (Bacharach). Instead of wasting time and money on a recall, why not work to elect more people like her to the council that understand what it takes to run a fiscally sound city.

The fall elections will be upon us sooner than we think. Then will be the time to reinforce the straight-thinking majority on the City Council. If we miss this chance, we will pay and pay and pay, forever.

AL BILLINGS, Rancho Palos Verdes
