
Too Much Ado About Amburgey

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I was greatly relieved after reading the article in Wednesday’s Orange County section regarding the investigation of former City Councilman Orville Amburgey (“Amburgey Faces Conflict Charge Over Cable Vote,” April 17).

After years of reading about our overloaded court system, plea bargaining for hardened criminals and overworked court personnel, it was a breath of fresh air to read that the district attorney’s office could still find time to go after a desperado of the stature of Orville Amburgey.

Here is a man whose electrical contracting firm had received “more than $900” from Copley-Colony, which in the construction business means a whopping $90 profit, and then has the audacity to vote on a measure that benefits this cable company that had paid him these staggering sums of money.


It is obvious that in his actions to better Costa Mesa for his family and all of its legalized citizens, Amburgey has made some enemies. I am sure that all taxpaying citizens of Orange County will join me in saying we are happy to see our court system and tax dollars being used to carry out their personal vendetta.

JEFF GRANT, Dana Point
