
Home Water Conservation

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Whether they are new to the area or have been here for decades, county residents have taken the water conservation ethic to heart. Longtime (more than 10 years) residents are most likely to say they are conserving water at home “most of the time,” but even among those who have not been here quite as long, seven in 10 say the same thing.

A representative sample of county residents was asked how often they conserve water at home--most of the time, some of the time, hardly ever, or never. Here’s a comparison of short-term (five years or less), medium-term (six to 10 years) and long-term (more than 10 years) residents:

Five years or less Most of the time: 71% Some of the time: 20% Hardly ever: 5% Never: 4% Six to 10 years Most of the time: 71% Some of the time: 23% Hardly ever: 4% Never: 2% More than 10 years Most of the time: 79% Some of the time: 17% Hardly ever: 2% Never: 2% Source: Orange County Annual Survey by Mark Baldassare, UCI
