
Edelman’s Vote on Club Will Be Costly

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Supervisor Ed Edelman’s first major decision for his new constituency, Topanga, showed him to be a cold, calculating, irresponsible and arrogant politician.

Edelman’s denial of the Montevideo project after all compliances had been met has further polarized an already polarized community and potentially cost the taxpayers at least hundreds of thousands of dollars--perhaps millions of dollars--with his disregard for property rights and correct procedure. In addition to the remuneration that will have to be paid for the taking of private property, there is the loss of revenue that would have been provided by the country club.

Edelman neglected to address any of the vital issues that benefited the community from the Montevideo project, i.e., removal of an offensive, health-threatening open septic system serving 250 homes, power poles that need to go underground, removal of some hills along Topanga Canyon Boulevard that need to be leveled to reduce traffic noise for residents and a vital water line to serve an area of mountainside homes.


Edelman was only interested in grandstanding to the great liberal vote of L. A. He is a partisan politician, out of date and unprepared to deal with the diversity that inhabits our world today.

